Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New York Giants, Lady Gaga and Butterfinger Cake

Hey ya'll!

I just went through 45 minutes of password reset torture. I'm bad about changing my passwords and not writing them down. Not a good idea for people over 40 and forgetful (like myself!) not to mention the fact you have to log into everything now-a-days its easy to get passwords mixed up or forget which one goes to which site. To make a long story short I had to go through a dozen guesses and email resets to get to my blog in order to make an entry. I guess Blogger thinks I am hacking in on myself. Oh, well. I'm good to go now. And, yes, I wrote down my password. I think.......(snickers)

How about them Giants? Well. I had this flight of ideas about the Superbowl. I was fascinated with the Roman numerals this year. I went around the house quizzing my darling husband about Roman numerals...... "L" is fifty. So an "X" in front of the "L" means you subtract 10 from 50....we had fun arguing over what XLVI meant. Of course, I won, as usual. I think hubby just 'lets' me win all the time. He loves me like that ;-)

No, I pulled for the Giants. Why? Well, I don't watch football all year until they get down to the play offs. I picked New York because.....well, it's New York! The Twin Towers fell there, Lady Liberty lives there, Times Square.....I just like the IDEA of New York better than the IDEA of New England. New England just reminds me of Reba McEntire. Whoever's In New England was one of her first #1 hit songs.

I made my famous Butterfinger Cake.....not anyone's recipe....but mine. I've been making it for years. It was gone in 24 hours. My son and his friends LOVE me to make that cake. Anway, guess it was good luck. I was a split second away from going to bed when the Patriots were ahead.....only to see that incomplete pass at the end and the Giants scored to win it. I like New York. And of course, Lady Gaga, my favorite, is from there. That's just trivial. To change the subject (which I'm very good at) I do not like cream cheese icing on all cakes. Butterfinger Cake.....Cool Whip. Not everything is good with cream cheese.

I am glad my doctors appointment got moved up. This blog entry would have never happened! I didn't want to budge from my seat today. Not even to refill my teacup. That's when it dawned on me I haven't made a blog entry since last year. My Grandmama died and I could have cared less about blogging. Then, of course, there were the dreaded holidays. Make no mistake, I am greatful for the holidays but they were sad. First time in 42 years I've not spent the holidays with my precious Grandmama. But I love my family, my home, my life. Just ain't the same without my G'Ma.....I am very blessed to live next door to my parents, and just houses away from my other grandmother who I call "Granny" <3
I have very few followers and thats ok. I'm pretty boring. I think the older I get, the more boring I become. And the more naps I want to take......... I intend to find some energy now that I've got my strip quilt on my mind....well.......it's not a quilt yet, just a huge plastic storage bin of scraps cut into strips ~sighs~ Maybe I will blog again tomorrow...and get fancy with a lot of hyperlinks and photos! That sounds like a good idea, so ya'll come back now, ya hear? p.s. notice how I didn't mention the half-time show? I'm a huge GaGa fan. Lady Gaga. :-) Have a favorite cake recipe to share? Please email me!


Denise L. Gregory said...

I wouldn't be too discouraged about your followers numbers. I've found out over time that there are way more readers than commenters! And even fewer of them will actually hit the button to "follow".

And I think maybe you should make your famous Butterfinger cake, show a picture of it on your blog & follow up with it's recipe :) I LOVE LOVE LOVE Butterfingers!!

Denise from Swap-bot

Whimzies said...

Oh, password reset torture! I went through that recently as well, because my old e-mail address got hacked, and my husband, being a computer technician, advised me to sit down and reset EVERY password for EVERY account that I had used that email address on. It was my main e-mail address, so it took FOREVER, and I'm pretty sure I've still missed a few.

That Butterfinger Cake sounds intriguing! I love Butterfingers, but I can't hardly eat them anymore, because they get stuck in and hurt my teeth. =( Maybe after I get myself to the dentist that will change, but I've been putting it off, because I hate the dentist.

-Whimzies on swap-bot